Mole Removal Through Surgery

Mole Removal by a Plastic Surgeon

From cosmetic to medical reasons, mole removal is a very common procedure. If you are thinking about having a mole removed, you’ve come to the right place. As experts in both health and beauty, we can offer you expert care that will make removing your moles simple and safe.

Mole removal on your face without scarring

Having any type of procedures on your face might seem daunting. What if something goes wrong? What if you are left with bumpy or keloid scars? Should you leave your mole instead?  This article  explains what goes on behind mole removals, how to do it safely while minimizing scarring, and some other facts you need to know.

Plastic surgery to remove facial and bodily moles

Moles are more common than you think. Most people were either born with moles or have seen some appear over the years, in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Most moles are harmless, but some can be quite unsightly or increase the risk for melanoma. So, when a mole requires treatment, and topical remedies don’t work, surgical removal will effectively get rid of it.

With a quick surgery, your doctor can remove the mole, have it examined for risk factors, and make sure that with proper care, the mole doesn’t return. Surgical mole removals are always an outpatient procedure and only require local anesthesia. There are two main types of surgical treatments:

  • Shaving. With the use of a special fine blade, the doctor removes the mole from your skin and cauterizes your skin. When a mole can be removed with this technique, the possibilities of having a scar are minimal.
  • Excision. Usually required for larger or thicker moles, during an excision the surgeon uses a scalpel to cut out the mole and closes your skin with sutures. When you have an excision, you will inevitably be left with a linear scar, a bit longer than the actual mole. In the hands of a skilled surgeon and with proper care, your scar can fade and become barely noticeable.


Remove your mole without scarring: dermatology vs plastic surgery

The good news is that mole removals are quite simple, regardless of the specific method your doctor uses. The news to consider is that when you have a mole in an area of your skin that cannot be easily concealed, such as your face, you need to be careful with the doctor you go to.

When asked if mole removal without scarring is possible, the answer is ‘maybe.’ It really depends on the actual mole and the doctor you see: a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon.

A dermatologist can examine your moles, check them up for risk signs, make sure they’re not growing, etc. For small moles in your body, a dermatologist can remove them with laser or freeze them with liquid nitrogen. These methods may leave small blisters or scars, which is why when you need to remove a mole from your face, it is best that you go to a plastic surgeon.

When you go to a plastic surgeon, you are effectively minimizing your probabilities to develop scars. You always need to keep in mind that when it comes to scarring, there are two things that will determine their presence or absence:

  • The talent, care, and technique of your surgeon. Plastic surgeons are specialists in achieving the most aesthetically pleasing results for every procedure they perform.
  • How you heal. This depends on how your body reacts, how well you care for the lesion, and genetically, how your body usually repairs itself.

Talk to a plastic surgeon to schedule your mole removal

If you are looking for the best possible treatment to remove your moles, look no further. At VIDA Wellness and Beauty Center we offer the most advanced treatments to make sure you always look your absolute best! Call us now at (619) 738-2144 and schedule your one-on-one consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Dr. Alejandro Quiroz

Dr. Quiroz is our board-certified Chief Plastic Surgeon at VIDA Clinic in Tijuana. He specializes in Facial Rejuvenation, Neck lift, Buttock Augmentation, Breast Augmentation, Body Contouring and more. He is member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, San Diego Plastic Surgery Society, the Mexican Society of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and the Mexican Council of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, to mention a few.