What is a Mommy Makeover?

Becoming a mom is one of the women’s most joyful and exciting moments in life. But between pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and devoting your life to your family, your body can change in ways not always joyful.

When you’re pregnant, your abdominal muscles stretch to make room for baby – this can leave you with a flabby tummy and damaged abdominal walls that can only be fixed with surgical intervention. When you’re breastfeeding, your breasts might lose tone, elasticity, and volume. Sudden weight gain and weight loss can leave you with saggy skin in your breast, tummy, booty, arms and even thighs.

Living a healthy lifestyle can certainly help new moms shed a few pounds and tone their bodies. But sometimes, when diet and exercise are not enough to get your pre-baby body back, plastic surgery can. If this is something that interests you, let’s read more about the best procedure cosmetic surgery can offer moms: A mommy makeover.

A mommy makeover is a combination of surgeries designed to help women gain their bodies back, rather than one single procedure. It’s the most effective way to get the body of your dreams.

What does a mommy makeover include?

When we get the question ‘What exactly is mommy makeover surgery?’, we always explain that it is a combination of surgeries. Mommy makeovers can include different procedures, depending on what the patient is looking for. Essentially, a mommy makeover will combine all of the procedures that the patient needs to achieve the body she wants, often resembling her pre-baby body. Sometimes, a mommy makeover might focus on the breasts, the stubborn fat in the abdomen or the vagina.  

In this video, Dr. Castañeda explains us more about a mommy makeover procedure:

A mommy makeover can include some of the following:

  • Tummy Tuck
  • Breast Lift and/or Breast Augmentation
  • Brazilian Buttlift
  • Vaginal rejuvenation surgery
  • Liposuction

When there is something else you want to improve, tone, or perfect during your mommy makeover, just ask your surgeon. The best thing about a mommy makeover is that your doctor will work with you in order to accomplish your aesthetic goals.

How to prepare for Mommy Makeover Surgery

Here are some things you need to do in order to be better prepared for your mommy makeover:

  • Get all of your lab testing done. Your surgeon will instruct you through the tests you need and when you need to have them done. This will let the doctor know you are in good health before the surgery.
  • Stop smoking. Quitting smoking before surgery (and during recovery) is the best thing you can do for your health. Smoking can dramatically increase the risk of complications during and after surgery. If you quit smoking, you will: help your body decrease its risk of infection, handle anesthesia better, decrease the risk of a blood clot-related problem like heart attacks and strokes, increase your body’s natural wound healing capabilities, increase your oxygen intake during surgery, and decrease your blood pressure.
  • Go over all of your medications with your surgeon. Gather a list of all the medications you take or took recently, from prescription medications to OTC and natural supplements. Certain medications can interfere with anesthesia and blood circulation, so giving your doctor a clear picture of what you’re taking will ensure your safety.
  • Reach a healthy weight. This is particularly important if you’re getting a tummy tuck or liposuction. When you are at a healthy weight, your surgeon will be able to sculpt your body better, and you’ll be happier with your results.
  • Arrange help for your recovery period. When you are preparing for surgery, our doctors highly recommend preparing for recovery as well. Consider that you’ll have to rest and ‘take it easy’ for a week or two after the surgery.
  • Get all of your medical supplies ready. Check with your surgeon for the exact list of things you’ll need such as compression garments, bandages, dressings, a booty pillow, pain medication, etc.

Mommy Makeover Recovery Time

Your mommy recovery timeline will vary, depending on the procedures you have. It is also important to consider that some patients prefer to divide their mommy makeover procedures into two sessions, in order to have shorter recovery periods after each.

Usually, after a mommy makeover, our patients enlist help from a relative or close friend for the first week after surgery. During the first week, you can expect to swell, bruising, and feel sore in the areas treated. During these days after surgery, you’ll need help showering and doing other simple tasks such as driving and cooking.

After two weeks pass, most moms can go back to their normal routine with some exceptions: heavy lifting, vigorous exercise, and contact sports. While the recovery period is longer, it is common that the patient feels better in about two weeks.

Once you hit the 6 weeks post-surgery mark, you’ll be able to appreciate the amazing results of your mommy makeover. At this time, any swelling or bruising left will be minimal.

While mommy makeover recovery can be a bit uncomfortable, it is not painful. Your surgeon will make sure to prescribe pain medication that will keep your discomfort at a manageable level.

An affordable Mommy Makeover in Tijuana

mommy make over
Mommy Make Over Before and After

If you are worried that the amazing results of a mommy makeover are going to be cost prohibitive, consider Tijuana. With world class board-certified surgeons and an internationally accredited surgical facility, mommy’s have the opportunity to customize their mommy makeover at a fraction of the cost and get the body they deserve.

While the average cost of a mommy makeover in the United States ranges from 13,000 to 20,000 USD, without considering major cities as New York and Los Angeles, prices at VIDA vary between $8,000 to $12,000 USD.  This is truly the best level of care and attention you deserve for a mommy makeover, without paying an exorbitant amount.

Do I need a Mommy Makeover?

This is a question that you and your surgeon should answer. We are so happy to see so many mommies claiming their bodies back because they deserve it. They deserve to feel gorgeous and comfortable in their own skin! Motherhood is amazing, but when your body goes through so many changes that you cannot control, why not get help from cosmetic surgery to look and feel amazing?

Contact the experts at VIDA Wellness and Beauty Center at (619)610-1667 to schedule your free, one-on-one consultation and decide if a Mommy Makeover is what you’re looking for.

Dr. Alejandro Quiroz

Dr. Quiroz is our board-certified Chief Plastic Surgeon at VIDA Clinic in Tijuana. He specializes in Facial Rejuvenation, Neck lift, Buttock Augmentation, Breast Augmentation, Body Contouring and more. He is member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, San Diego Plastic Surgery Society, the Mexican Society of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and the Mexican Council of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, to mention a few.