What Should I Do After Laser Skin Resurfacing?

How to Recover From Laser Skin Resurfacing

Werther you decided to go for , CO2 Laser or Erbium: YAG laser; congratulations! Your skin will look great after your treatment. Laser resurfacing is an effective and safe option to reduce wrinkles, acne scars and improve your skin tone and color. However, you may be wondering what to do after a laser treatment on the face or just what post-laser skin care products are safe for you. Our board-certified surgeons have provided some recommendations and precautions to keep in mind after a laser treatment on the face to help you with your recovery.

before and after age spot removal tijuana
Before and after age spot removal with Dermablate Laser
Before and After Laser Skin Resurfacing

What to do after a laser treatment on your face?

Let’s be honest. Lasers are powerful tools that will do wonders for your skin, and even help you remove acne scars, but the healing process won’t be pretty. The most important thing to bear in mind after a laser resurfacing treatment on your face is to be patient. Initially, your skin will be irritated, red and swollen. As the new layer of skin emerges, your sin will become dry and peel. During this process, which typically lasts from five to seven days, do not touch or rub your skin. Let it heal by itself. This means no touching, no matter how much you want to scratch or touch it. Additionally, there are some other precautions after laser treatment on your face to avoid any risk of infections or side effects. Continue reading our after-care tips to learn more about how to look after your skin after laser treatments.skin resurfacing chart

Laser Resurfacing After Care Tips

To make the most of your skin resurfacing treatment, follow these simple skin care after laser resurfacing tips and enjoy a problem-free recovery!

  •     Take a day off: Although laser resurfacing is a non-invasive procedure, you need to take care of your skin after laser treatment. The old layer of your skin will literally peel off, so it is a good idea to stay in, enjoy a free day and avoid pollution and stress for a day or two. After this, you are good to go and continue your recovery with your daily routine.
  •     Cold over hot: Another doctor recommendation take care of your skin after laser resurfacing is to avoid exposing it to hot temperatures. Avoid showering or bathing in really hot water and try to go for tepid or lukewarm water instead. This also applies to saunas, steam rooms and Jacuzzis. Consider doing this for two to three days.
  •     Cleansing: Depending on your treated zone and skin’s condition, your doctor will give you a personalized cleaning routine. Typically, this involves cleaning your face four or five times a week. Some doctors recommend using a mixture of vinegar and water, but before you apply this, consult with your physician. If you want to take extra precautions after a laser treatment on the face, use a very mild and gentle cleanser and avoid exfoliants and products that contain any astringents or Benzoyl Peroxide and Retin-A.
  •     Hydrating: It is important to keep skin hydrated after laser resurfacing treatments. Your doctor will tell you exactly what products to use, since some active ingredients in moisturizing products can hinder the effects of the laser.
  •     Cold Compress: A good way to reduce redness after laser treatments is to apply cold a compress in the treated area. Remember, do not apply chemicals or any other lotions and do not rub your skin.
  •     Goodbye, sun: At least for a month. Avoid direct sunlight and tanning beds for a month after your laser treatment. Sun exposure delays the skin’s natural healing process. If you must be outside, use plenty of sunscreen to protect your skin. Talk to your dermatologist to find out exactly what brand and type of sunscreen is the best option for you.
  •     Go natural: Don’t wear make up for five days after your laser treatment. If you really have to, try using a new makeup to minimize the risk of infection. Once your skin heals, and your doctor gives you the green light, a friendly post-laser skin care product is mineral makeup. Just remember to use a clean brush every time! skin resurfacing woman

Give your skin a boost and give yourself a fresher and younger appearance. To schedule your laser resurfacing appointment, contact VIDA Wellness and Beauty by calling 1-619-738-2144 (toll-free).


Dr. De La Fuente

Dr. De La Fuente is our board-certified Dermatologist practicing at VIDA Clinic in Tijuana. He specializes in Cosmetic Dermatology, Laser treatment & Non-invasive procedures, Medical Dermatology and Surgical Dermatology. He is a member of the Mexican Academy of Dermatology, Mexican Board of Dermatology, Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, American Academy of Dermatology.