Life Coaching Services

About Your Coach
A brush with death is a powerful thing! Until the moment I was delirious in an Emergency Room and unable to breathe on my own I told myself that I was dying of fat and pain medications and that I did not care. Now I realized I did care, but was it too late, I wondered? I was 170 pounds overweight and had been living with chronic pain in my spine, shoulders, neck, knees, feet and hips for 20 years.
My mind was filled with beliefs that caused suffering which manifested in and on my body. “I’m too old and too far gone to ever be healthy again.” “All my good days are behind me.” “No one can help me.” “I am a hopeless case, a lost cause.” Around the clock for more than a decade, I had been using Oxycontin for constant pain, Oxycodone for breakthrough pain and Flexeril for muscle spasms and I believed I was going to need those pills until the day I died.
These were such strong beliefs and they seemed so true, especially when I was approved for long-term disability by a private insurer and Social Security. But were these beliefs, which became my identity in the world, actually true? When the opiates caused Sleep Apnea, slowed my respiration and filled my lungs with fluid requiring emergency hospitalization, I found myself desperate to be free of these beliefs, the weight and the pills before they killed me.
If you share these beliefs are you sure they are true? Are you willing to be wrong, hope again and take a leap of faith? That is all I did, and you can too! Your life can be better! I KNOW this to be true and that is why I became a certified life coach. Will you consider with me what is possible for you?
This photo was taken at the top of the highest mountain in the 48 contiguous United States, Mount Whitney. After 10 hours of climbing 6,134 feet to an elevation of 14,508 feet covering 11 miles, I summited at 2:00 pm and like every part of my weight-loss, fitness and “reclamation of life” journey, I did it one small step at a time!
Yet, like during every aspect of my journey I had partners. My partners knew the lay of the land, my strength and challenges. I surrounded myself with people who knew how to help me get where I wanted to go; physical and mental health professionals, including a Weight Loss Coach, who challenged me to express my full potential. What mountains will you climb in your life and who will help you get there?
Coaching You
Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) will change what you can eat and how much you can eat but it is possible to eat your way around the surgery and not lose very much weight or regain later the weight you lose. The surgery will not erase years of obsessive thinking and behavior, with food as a major source of comfort, and put it in its’ rightful place as fuel in your life. After all, you will still have the same brain wired the same way to seek soothing and comfort in the same ways. WLS message boards are filled with the stories of people post-surgically still seeking comfort in food and continuing to suffer. Without a plan to get their physical and emotional needs met in healthy ways after surgery many people struggle and continue to use food obsessively or turn to other substances in the search of comfort. It is critical to have support in the first three months of your new life as you adjust to eating differently and moving.
Together we will customize a food plan for you that achieve the goals your surgeon or nutritionist sets for you and makes small adjustments as challenges arise that create a path to success for you. We will also customize a movement plan for you (yes, that means exercise!) that is kind and loving to your body and spirit. By making gentle, incremental changes at a pace that is kind to you we will actually be changing who you believe yourself to be in their world. You will begin to automatically make the healthy choices the healthier person you are becoming would naturally make.
We will set up a time and do an initial complimentary session via Skype or phone to get to know your specific goals, abilities and challenges and begin to create your customized plan. Then we will meet weekly for 12 weeks. You will come away from our times together with a deeper understanding about the beliefs that have driven your relationship with food and your body in the past. You will also create a clear vision of the life you want to begin living and the body you will create to support you in living that life. Also, we will have fun along the way! Transformation carried-out gently and kindly lacks much of the struggle often associated with weight loss and is tremendous fun! There’s nothing better than changing what you have always wished you could change with less struggle than you thought would be required to change it!
And here’s more great news. Your coach has been down this road before, personally and with others, and can guide you through the challenges that will appear! This is the journey of your life, to your best life and it is the most empowering, fun journey in town!
Coaching You 3-Month Package
The 3-month commitment is essential because changing patterns with food and non-movement that have been in place for years requires effort and your financial commitment to your health and happiness will keep you motivated. After 3 months we can continue to work together weekly or twice per month, have monthly check-ins or take a break. It is your choice. After we reach the 3-month mark you will have achieved goals that we set in our first sessions and you will have momentum toward achieving long term goals.
Your investment in your coach, but more importantly yourself and the future you desire, is $1200. If you would like a complimentary session to ask questions and get a taste of the power of coaching to transform your life I am a phone call away!
See http://visit.cosmedclinic.com/life-coach-sara/ for info on this section to be just before the footer.