Gastric Sleeve Mexico

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico

At VIDA Hospital in Mexico, skilled and caring bariatric surgeons offer gastric sleeve bariatric surgery, also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy. This advanced procedure might be an appropriate weight-loss tool for patients who are not suitable candidates for other types of weight-loss surgery — such as gastric bypass surgery — due to certain risk factors, including an extremely high body mass index (BMI) and some medical conditions such as anemia.

What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Vertical sleeve gastrectomy, also known as gastric sleeve surgery, has emerged as a leading option in the realm of bariatric procedures, particularly due to its effectiveness, safety, and simplicity. This transformative surgery involves removing a significant portion of the stomach—typically around 70 to 80%, leaving behind a slender vertical tube. This reduction in stomach size restricts the amount of food that can be consumed, aiding patients in their weight loss journey by promoting feelings of fullness with smaller meals.

gastric sleeve surgery Mexico

Gastric sleeve has gained popularity in recent years to become the most popular among bariatric procedures worldwide due to its simplicity, safety, effectiveness in inducing patients to lose weight, and metabolic changes comparable to gastric bypass, which helps reverse chronic diseases.

  • 70-80% of the stomach removed
  • 60 to 80% % excess weight loss
  • The restrictive gastric sleeve procedure can induce metabolic changes

The knowledgeable bariatric surgeons at VIDA  prefer to use the laparoscopic approach to sleeve gastrectomy, when medically appropriate for the weight loss surgery patient. This is because the laparoscopic approach is less invasive than the traditional “open” gastric sleeve surgery approach: laparoscopic surgery involves the use of a few smaller incisions as opposed to the large incision used in open surgery.

One of the key advantages of gastric sleeve surgery is its ability to induce substantial weight loss, with patients typically experiencing a reduction of 60 to 80% in excess weight. However, the benefits extend beyond mere weight loss; the procedure also triggers metabolic changes akin to those observed with gastric bypass surgery. These metabolic alterations play a crucial role in not only facilitating weight loss but also in potentially reversing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

High blood pressure

At VIDA Wellness and Beauty Center, our board-certified bariatric surgeons specialize in performing sleeve gastrectomy surgery using the laparoscopic approach whenever medically suitable. This minimally invasive technique involves making small incisions and utilizing advanced surgical instruments, resulting in reduces postoperative pain, faster recovery times, and minimal scarring compared to traditional open surgery.

For patients embarking on their weight loss journey with gastric sleeve surgery, understanding the preoperative and postoperative phases is essential. Prior to surgery, patients typically undergo a pre-op diet to prepare their bodies and reduce the size of the liver, facilitating a safer surgical procedure. Following surgery, patients can expect to take approximately one week off from their usual activities as they adapt to their new dietary regimen.

Post-surgery, most patients will transition from a liquid-only diet to gradually reintroducing solid foods as guided by their healthcare team. While gastric sleeve surgery offers numerous benefits, it’s important to acknowledge potential complications such as leakage, strictures, or nutritional deficiencies, although these risks are relatively low when performed by experienced surgeons in accredited facilities like VIDA Wellness and Beauty Center.

As a leading weight loss surgery center in Mexico, VIDA Wellness and Beauty Center is committed to providing affordable weight loss surgery options without compromising quality or safety. Our dedicated team of gastric sleeve surgeons prioritizes patient well-being and long-term success, guiding individuals through every step of their gastric sleeve treatment with compassion and expertise.

Bariatric Surgery vs Obesity

Whether you’re considering gastric sleeve surgery to lose weight as a solution to obesity or metabolic conditions, VIDA Wellness and Beauty Center offers comprehensive care and support tailored to your unique needs. Embark on your weight loss journey with confidence and trust in the experienced hands of our skilled medical professionals. Experience the transformative power of gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana at VIDA Wellness and Beauty Center in Mexico and take the first step towards a healthier, happier life.

What to Expect After Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico

Gastric sleeve patients should expect to take about one week off from their jobs or usual schedule. With gastric sleeve surgery, patients can start consuming liquids immediately. However, weight loss surgery patients will still need to eat a liquid-only diet immediately after the gastric sleeve procedure and slowly resume eating normal foods as they progress through their gastric sleeve recovery process. As with all types of bariatric surgery procedures, patients who undergo gastric sleeve must be prepared to make a lifelong commitment to staying healthy following gastric sleeve surgery.

Advantages of the Gastric Sleeve Procedure over Other Bariatric Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery offers several advantages over other types of bariatric surgery for weight loss. The advantages over other bariatric surgeries are that:

  • The nerves leading to the stomach as well as the stomach openings are kept intact during the gastric sleeve procedure (as opposed to other forms of bariatric surgery in which the stomach opening and nerves may be modified).
  • Again, removing the majority of the stomach also provides a dramatic reduction in the production of hormones that activate the sensation of hunger.
  • There is less risk of stomach ulcers than there is with gastric bypass bariatric surgery.
  • There is no risk of complications related to the Lap-Band because a silicone band is not used with gastric sleeve surgery.
  • There is a reduced risk of bypass-related bariatric surgery complications, including nutrient and vitamin deficiencies, internal hernias, anemia, osteoporosis, and others, because sleeve gastrectomy does not involve bypassing the intestinal tract.

Sleeve gastrectomy works on two levels to help patients with weight loss.

Sleeve gastrectomy works on two levels to help patients with weight loss. First, the surgeon removes a majority of the stomach, resulting in a much smaller stomach pouch. This restricts the amount of food an individual can eat, helping the person lose weight over time.

Second, the smaller stomach produces less Ghrelin after gastric sleeve surgery. Ghrelin is a hormone that stimulates the hunger sensation. Thanks to the smaller amount of Ghrelin, patients who undergo gastric sleeve do not feel as hungry between meals, which can also help with weight loss.

Unlike gastric banding surgery (using the Lap-Band), sleeve gastrectomy is irreversible, so suitable gastric sleeve candidates must be dedicated to weight loss and maintaining a healthy body weight for the rest of their lives.

What Should I Know Before I Undergo Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG), is a significant decision in one’s weight loss journey. In the realm of bariatric surgery options, VSG stands out as a highly effective medical procedure that offers a permanent weight loss solution for individuals struggling with obesity and related health issues. This life-changing bariatric surgery involves the removal of a large portion of the stomach, leaving behind a slender tube or sleeve-like structure.

Choosing to undergo gastric sleeve surgery requires careful consideration and consultation with a certified bariatric surgeon. These medical professionals specialize in metabolic surgery, a branch of bariatric surgery focused on addressing metabolic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea through surgical interventions.

For most patients, gastric sleeve surgery presents a favorable option due to its proven efficacy in promoting significant weight loss and improving metabolic health. Unlike some other weight loss surgeries like mini gastric bypass or duodenal switch, VSG does not involve rerouting the intestines, making it a simpler and less invasive procedure with potentially fewer long-term complications.

Prior to undergoing vertical sleeve surgery, patients typically undergo thorough evaluations to ensure they are suitable candidates for the procedure. This assessment may include medical tests, nutritional counseling, and psychological evaluations to assess readiness and identify any potential risk factors.

Once deemed eligible, patients can expect to undergo vertical sleeve gastrectomy at a reputable medical facility equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by experienced healthcare professionals. For individuals traveling from afar, facilities near transportation hubs like San Diego International Airport offer convenient access to life-changing bariatric surgery options.

Post-surgery, patients receive comprehensive support and guidance to navigate the recovery process and adapt to their new lifestyle. This may include dietary counseling, exercise recommendations, and ongoing monitoring to track progress and address any concerns that may arise.

undergoing gastric surgery is a significant but rewarding step towards

In summary, undergoing gastric surgery is a significant but rewarding step towards achieving lasting weight loss and improving overall health. With the expertise of a certified bariatric surgeon and access to quality medical facilities, individuals can embark on their weight loss journey with confidence, knowing they are taking proactive steps towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

What Results Can Gastric Sleeve Patients Expect?

If the gastric sleeve patient follows post-op guidelines, sleeve gastrectomy surgery will provide long-term weight loss. However, depending on how committed the gastric sleeve patient is to altering lifestyle and eating habits post-op, weight loss varies. Alongside significant weight loss, gastric sleeve surgery can have the following benefits:

  • The nerves leading to the stomach and the stomach openings are kept intact in a gastric sleeve (as opposed to other forms of bariatric surgery in which the stomach opening and nerves may be modified).
  • Removing the majority of the stomach dramatically reduces the production of hormones that activate hunger hormones, helping to promote weight loss.
  • There is less risk of stomach ulcers than with gastric bypass bariatric surgery.
  • Reduced risk of bypass-related complications, including nutrient and vitamin deficiencies, internal hernias, anemia, osteoporosis, and others, because sleeve gastrectomy does not involve bypassing the intestinal tract.
  • Weight loss may improve or resolve conditions related to obesity such as heart disease, high cholesterol, obstructive sleep apnea, or type 2 diabetes.

Gastric Sleeve vs Gastric Bypass Weight Loss Surgery

Gastric bypass and gastric sleeve gastrectomy are two of our most performed types of weight loss surgery at VIDA Wellness and Beauty. While both gastric sleeve surgery and gastric bypass reduce the stomach size, only gastric sleeve surgery permanently removes part of the stomach. With gastric bypass, a small pouch is created, and the remainder of the stomach is completely bypassed – but the organ still remains within the body.

While both gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgery are responsible for patient weight loss and improved health – not everyone is a candidate for both surgeries. If you are not sure which weight loss surgery is right for you, that is no problem. During your consultation, our bariatric surgeon will help determine the best weight loss surgery for your situation.

Are There Any Complications with Gastric Sleeve?

While they are not very common, gastric sleeve procedure for weight loss can carry short- or long-term risks.

Short-term bariatric surgery risks include: 

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Infection
  • Adverse reactions to anesthesia
  • Lung or breathing problems
  • Blood clots
  • Leaks from the stomach incision

Long-term gastric sleeve risks include:

  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
  • Hernia
  • Vomiting
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Malnutrition

In very rare cases, patients may have to undergo gastric sleeve revision surgery to repair a leak.

Life After Gastric Sleeve Surgery 

Patients who have undergone laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery should be prepared to rest and recover for two-three weeks post-op. Patients will need to prepare for a special liquid-only diet immediately after the procedure and slowly resume eating regular foods as recovery progresses. Physical fitness and activity levels should also gradually increase until a more permanent exercise routine becomes normal.

While the body is recovering and an appropriate nutrition plan is followed – the bariatric surgery patient must prepare to make a lifelong commitment to healthful living and weight loss. These permanent changes are mandatory to keep the weight off, and many patients find significant weight loss success when participating in nutrition follow-ups and behavior monitoring.

How Much Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Cost in Mexico?

You can expect to pay around $5000 US Dollars for gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana, Mexico. At VIDA Wellness and Beauty, we offer the highest-quality gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico for a significantly lower price than in the United States (normally starting around $4790*). Our lower price does not come with lower safety standards. We have a state-of-the-art facility and highly skilled bariatric surgeons with the country’s most prestigious certifications and credentials. Our surgery team members are experts in minimally invasive techniques for gastric sleeve surgery, and we can offer this skill to all our patients at a low cost. Our gastric sleeve surgery price includes:

  • Transportation to and from the hospital
  • EKG and diagnosis
  • Pre and post-op lab work and evaluations
  • Costs to perform gastric sleeve surgery (including surgeon & anesthesiologist fees)
  • Any necessary post-op antibiotics, antacids, or pain medications
  • Hospital stay (1 night)
  • Recovery boutique stay (1 night)
  • Follow-up gastric sleeve post-op care
  • Transportation to and from the hotel/airport

*Restrictions may apply.

Weight Loss Surgery in Tijuana with VIDA Wellness & Beauty Center

At VIDA Hospital in Mexico, renowned for its excellence in medical tourism, our team of highly skilled and compassionate bariatric surgeons specializes in performing gastric sleeve procedures, also referred to as vertical sleeve gastrectomy. This cutting-edge surgical option stands out as an effective weight-loss solution for individuals who may not be suitable candidates for other bariatric procedures, such as the gastric bypass procedure. Factors like an exceptionally high body mass index (BMI) and the presence of serious health conditions like anemia can pose significant risks with other surgical approaches, making the sleeve surgery a preferred choice for most patients seeking safe and sustainable weight loss.

VIDA Hospital in Mexico, renowned for its excellence in medical tourism

Our commitment to delivering the highest standard of care extends beyond the operating room. From the moment you land at San Diego airport, our dedicated team ensures a seamless and experience throughout your medical journey. As you embark on your transformative path towards better health and well-being, rest assured that you are in the capable hands of the best gastric sleeve surgeon in the field.

With VIDA Wellness and Beauty Center’s state-of-the-art facilities and world-class medical expertise, patients can expect exceptional outcomes and compassionate support every step of the way. Whether you’re traveling from across the border or across the globe, our comprehensive approach to gastric sleeve procedure prioritizes your safety, comfort, and long-term success.

Don’t let barriers stand in the way of your health goals. Explore the possibilities of gastric sleeve surgery at VIDA, where excellence meets affordability in the heart of medical tourism. Take the first step towards a healthier tomorrow and reclaim your life with confidence and vitality.

To schedule an appointment with our bariatric surgeon to learn more about whether you should undergo gastric sleeve surgery for weight loss and the advantages of gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana, Mexico, contact VIDA Wellness and Beauty by calling 1-619-313-6435 (toll free).