5 Mommy Makeover Trends in 2020 (Mexico Travel Edition)
Being a mom is the greatest job in the world, but pregnancy and mom life can take its toll on the body. So, if you’re a mom looking for a mommy makeover to restore your youthful looks and self-confidence, you’re not alone.
Before committing to any treatment, though, it’s best to familiarize yourself with some of the hottest trends on the market in 2020. Here are five mommy makeover trends that are sweeping Mexico right now.
1: Weight Loss Surgery for Sustained Results
Losing weight is the most common cosmetic goal for men and women of all backgrounds. However, it’s a particularly pertinent issue for women trying to lose their ‘mom tums,’ and love handles gained from pregnancy and the post-childbirth stresses. Bariatric surgery has subsequently become one of the hottest makeover trends in Mexico during recent times.
In contrast to liposuction, weight loss surgery focuses on sustained results by actively reducing stomach capacity. While it does require lifestyle changes, including a very intense first 30 days following the treatment, this is statistically shown to be one of the most effective and affordable ways to lose weight and keep it off. Moms love it.
Furthermore, weight loss achieved in this way occurs gradually, which is far safer and allows the skin time to adapt. For similar reasons, Coolsculpting is another fat loss treatment that has gained huge popularity in Mexico in 2020 and is set to thrive over the next few years.
2: Breast Augmentation for Moms of Older Children
Breastfeeding is a beautiful thing, but it can have irreversible impacts on the breasts. When coupled with the effects of aging, millions of moms are left with sagging, drooping breasts that cause self-doubt and backaches. Breast augmentation procedures help moms regain their confidence as well as the perkiness of their former glory. Many moms head to Mexico with this treatment type in mind.
Breast augmentation treatments can take many forms. While some do opt for bigger cup sizes, breast lifts (mastopexy) have become the #1 treatment by far. This type of procedure focuses on shape rather than size, helping moms rediscover their former appearance. The higher positioning also extends to correcting the direction that the nipples face.
Many moms find that breastfeeding leaves them with misshapen and asymmetrical breasts. Through breast lifts, breast enlargement, or breast reduction treatments, moms have discovered that Mexico is the perfect place for safe and professional treatments.
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3: Brazilian Butt Lifts for Shapely Moms
In addition to youthful looking breasts, a growing number of moms are choosing buttock augmentation. Brazilian Butt Lifts, otherwise known as BBL surgery, have become the top solution by far. It is a procedure that has been used by a large number of celebrities, and many women now choose this as the focal part of their mommy makeover in Mexico.

Brazilian Butt Lifts are particularly popular due to the fact that they harvest the patient’s own fat, which is extracted from other body parts before being purified and injected into the buttocks. Anyone wanting to use this treatment will, therefore, need to prepare by achieving a suitable BMI. Nonetheless, the instant and lasting results of the treatment are winning thousands of new fans each year.
The BBL has overtaken implants as the ‘go-to’ treatment for a better derrière. Meanwhile, some moms find that vaginal rejuvenation (labiaplasty) is a very effective procedure to improve appearances, comfort, and self-confidence after the impacts of childbirth.
4: Post-Weight Loss Body Lifts
Most moms put on weight during pregnancy and during the first year of motherhood. Not all of them require help losing weight, though. However, a growing number of individuals that lose the weight naturally still require cosmetic assistance with other issues: excess skin. Consequently, then, post-weight loss body lifts are now firmly established as one of the top procedures in Mexico.
This type of procedure, which is also known as post-bariatric body contouring, can include elements of breast lift treatments while simultaneously extending to arm lifts, stomach lifts (abdominoplasty), and lower body lift trims. This involves addressing the excess skin by making incisions, and may also require a small level of liposuction during the process.
Every mom that successfully loses weight should have the opportunity to enjoy the rewards of that hard work. When the skin fails to snap back to the desired state, post-weight loss body lifts provide the solution. While it can be used by anyone who has lost weight, moms are the chief demographic by far.
5: Package Procedures for Tourists
Perhaps the hottest trend relating to mommy makeovers in 2020, particularly in Mexico, is that patients are opting for two, three, and even four treatments at a time. When traveling to Tijuana for cosmetic upgrades, the financial savings are a major attraction. Naturally, then, combining all desired procedures into one trip can unlock the very best value for money.
Modern treatments powered by industry-leading technology, like those used at VIDA Wellness & Beauty, offer speedy procedures and minimal recovery times. Therefore, the possibilities in relation to completing multiple treatments are greater than ever. Besides, a week or 10 days spent in Tijuana can become a luxury retreat to recharge the batteries – alone or with the family.
Package mommy makeovers are popular among domestic patients too but have seen a huge rise in popularity from tourists. U.S. moms are particularly likely to take this route for body contouring, enabling them to finally feel like the best versions of themselves once more.
Millions of women now (rightly) treat themselves to a mommy makeover with the cosmetic procedures needed to get their bodies back to their former glory. Due to costs, professionalism, and a range of additional benefits, traveling to Mexico for those treatments has become the norm. Thousands of women enjoy the rewards of finally giving themselves a little TLC each year, and that’s only set to grow over the decade ahead.
To find out more about the available options, costs, and availability, arrange a free video consultation by getting in touch today with one of our plastic surgeons or call us at 619-738-2144. A happier future awaits.