Age doesn’t have to mean kissing your perky boobs goodbye, or giving up on a tight tummy and an enviable derrière. Looking into cosmetic surgery? Your research has probably shown you that looking fabulous throughout the years is possible.
What about the cost? If you’ve been trying to find out pricing from different plastic surgery centers, you may have noticed these are hard to obtain.
Although the final price tag on cosmetic surgery is largely influenced by the patient’s individual needs, we believe having this information from the initial stages of looking into any procedure is crucial.
While plastic surgery costs in the USA are so expensive that you might have to postpone surgery for a couple of years, consider going abroad instead. Heading to a different country can give you the same professional experience with a qualified plastic surgeon for less.
Let us help you discover where is the best place to get plastic surgery based on your needs and expectations. Making an informed decision will give you the aesthetic results you want, for a cheap price, without risking your health.
Let’s take this as an example: you’re getting a tummy tuck. Where can you get the best value for your money? And can you find a low tummy tuck cost with a premium experience?
As the cost of cosmetic procedures in the US keep on rising, more people are heading south of the border to sunny Mexico for their procedures. Tijuana, due to its proximity to southern California, bilingual surgeons, and state-of-the-art hospitals, is a plastic surgery patient favorite!
In fact, Tijuana is the 2nd most popular medical tourism destination in the world[1].
This is where you’ll find us, VIDA Wellness and Beauty Center, a world-class hospital where highly trained, board-certified plastic surgeons perform a wide variety of cosmetic surgery procedures.
Mexico Plastic Surgery Cost Compared to Plastic Surgery Centers in the United States
No, looking for the absolute cheapest price should never be the sole motivation to go anywhere for surgery. However, it is possible to cut cosmetic surgery prices by half or more, while still ensuring you see a talented, board-certified surgeon.
A clear price point is vital for making the best possible decision. We created a list of some of the most popular cosmetic procedures in North America, with their respective costs in the US. For your convenience, we also included the average plastic surgery prices at VIDA.
USA Average Price
(Excluding large metro areas, where prices are 25% -40% higher than average)*
Why Are Plastic Surgery Costs in Mexico Less than in the US?
Dr. Fuentes
If you are surprised to see the difference in prices in the US vs Mexico, you’ll be even more surprised to learn that US prices averaged by RealSelf do not take into consideration “celebrity surgeons” or large metro areas. In Los Angeles, for example, a Face Lift can cost more than $25,000 USD as reported by patients on RealSelf.
How is that possible? While most of our doctors have been educated in more than one country, the cost of higher education in Mexico is more affordable.
Even so, Mexico’s medical schools are consistently ranked among the best in Latin America and the world, they are highly competitive and sometimes free under the public education system.
Another important factor that can explain this disparity in prices is overhead expenses. From heating and A/C to property costs, overheads are considerably lower. The cost of most Medical supplies is cheaper in Mexico too, despite being the exact same brands manufactured and used in the US and Europe.
What Will I Get for My Money? Is the Cheap Price for Cosmetic Surgery Attached to a Nickel-and-Dime Experience?
The total opposite! Coming to Tijuana, Mexico, means having a new patient experience. We are the kind of place that honors the tourism aspect of medical tourism.
From the initial consultation to transportation, you are guaranteed a luxurious experience. Regarding post-op care, in the US you would have to either a) pay exorbitant prices for extra nights at the hospital or b) arrange your own after-care and commute constantly.
At VIDA, a concierge experience means that patients who get plastic surgery here don’t need to worry about a thing. And for aftercare, stay at our comfortable on-site recovery boutique within walking distance to shopping centers; you’ll be cared for 24/7 by the nursing staff.
Dr. Quiroz is our board-certified Chief Plastic Surgeon at VIDA Clinic in Tijuana. He specializes in Facial Rejuvenation, Neck lift, Buttock Augmentation, Breast Augmentation, Body Contouring and more. He is member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, San Diego Plastic Surgery Society, the Mexican Society of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and the Mexican Council of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, to mention a few.
Get A Free Virtual Consultation
Did you know you can meet with one of VIDA’s Board Certified Plastic Surgeons from the comfort of your own home? It’s easy, free, discreet, and you will receive a personalized quote made just for you.